Nice book written by a previous news anchor, message is that if you send out positive good messages then you really can make real beneficial changes to the world. Mentions the known negativity bias of news but puts arguments that good news can also be popular.
States some research on fortune 500 companies found the following were markers of successful employees: Work optimism, a belief good things will happen, support and invest in others success, provide positive engagement allowing that in the face of challenges you can succeed.
Interact positively with others is important, particularly at the start of an interaction as it can dictate how the interaction will go and which topics are discussed. Suggests that positivity increases productivity therefore it is worth using this at the start of meetings. Suggests being courteous in emails, such as hope your weekend went well which it describes as being positive.
Suggests good question for a doctor to ask terminally ill patients / family members “Given what your family is up against, what are you hoping for?” Journalists are trained to ask “anything else” at the end of interviews. Suggests asking “Is there anything we have forgotten to discuss that you want to add?” or “Is there anything else you want to tell me?” is a very useful thing to do when interacting with people