Academic Publications
Weatherburn, C. 2022 Response to Expanding Video Consultation Services at Pace and Scale in Scotland During the COVID-19 Pandemic: National Mixed Methods Case Study. Journal Of Medical Internet Research
Weatherburn, C.J. 2021 Data quality in primary care, Scotland. Scott. Med. J.
Ming, T., Denee, T., Scott, G., Morrens, J., Weatherburn, C. 2021 Epidemiology and current treatment patterns of treatment-resistant depression in Scotland: a CPRD study. BJPsych Open
Jani, B., Pell, J., McGagh, D., Liyange, H., Kelly, D., de Lusignan, S., Weatherburn, C., Burns, R., Sullivan, F., Mair. 2020 Recording COVID-19 Consultations: Review of Symptoms, Risk Factors and Corresponding SNOMED Terms BJGP Open 25 August 2020;bjgpopen20X101125.
Weatherburn, C.J., Guthrie, B., Dreischulte, T., Morales, D.R.2020. Impact of medicines regulatory risk communications in the UK on prescribing and clinical outcomes: Systematic review, time series analysis and meta-analysis. Br. J. Clin. Pharmacol. 86, 698–710.
Weatherburn, C., 2020. Potential for placing voice-activated devices to improve patient care in general practices as well as patients’ homes. Br. J. Gen. Pract. 111.
Dillon, J.F., Miller, M.H., Robinson, E.M., Hapca, A., Rezaeihemami, M., Weatherburn, C., McIntyre, P.G., Bartlett, B., Donnan, P.T., Boyd, K.A., Dow, E., 2019. Intelligent liver function testing (iLFT): A trial of automated diagnosis and staging of liver disease in primary care. J. Hepatol. 71, 699–706.
Weatherburn, C., 2019. Benzodiazepines and non-benzodiazepine hypnotics – impact of a cluster adopted protocol on primary care prescribing.
Scott. Med. J.
DOI: 10.1177/0036933019849369
Weatherburn, C., Sneddon, Neil, Sturrock, N., Insalaco, A., Shaw, D., 2019. Mentoring for hard to reach people with hepatitis C. Available from:
Weatherburn, C.J., Hasan, S., Watts, M., Shaw, D., 2018. Mentored Training Positions for Early-Career General Practitioners. Ann. Fam. Med. 16, 466–466.
Miller, M.H., Fraser, A., Leggett, G., MacGilchrist, A., Gibson, G., Orr, J., Forrest, E.H., Dow, E., Bartlett, W., Weatherburn, C., Laurell, A., Grant, K., Scott, K., Neville, R., Dillon, J.F., 2018. Development and validation of diagnostic triage criteria for liver disease from a minimum data set enabling the ‘intelligent LFT’ pathway for the automated assessment of deranged liver enzymes. Frontline Gastroenterol. 9, 175–182.
Weatherburn, C.J., Heath, C.A., Mercer, S.W., Guthrie, B., 2017. Physical and mental health comorbidities of epilepsy: Population-based cross-sectional analysis of 1.5 million people in Scotland. Seizure – Eur. J. Epilepsy 45, 125–131.
Weatherburn, C.J., Guthrie, B., Mercer, S.W., Morales, D.R., 2017. Comorbidities in adults with asthma: Population-based cross-sectional analysis of 1.4 million adults in Scotland. Clin. Exp. Allergy 47, 1246–1252.
Weatherburn, C.J., 2016. Complex lifestyle differences make study on potato consumption and risk of gestational diabetes difficult to interpret. BMJ 352.
Weatherburn, C., Reid, R., Bruce, D., 2015. Journal of Health and Social Care Improvement, April2015 Older patients’c ommunity care –GP workload and social care views. J. Health Soc. Care Improv. Available from:
Weatherburn, C., Hasan, S., 2014. General Practice Locum Improvement Tool. BMJ Open Qual. 3, u202980.w1397.
Weatherburn, C., 2012. Health inequalities in primary care: time to face justice. Br. J. Gen. Pract. 517. 10.3399/bjgp12X656711