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Lead Yourself First: Inspiring Leadership Through Solitude by Michael S. Erwin and Raymond Kethledge

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A key step in leadership is finding the time for yourself, to have some solitude for personal reflection. This allows you to reflect on what is important and provides mental space so that you can prioritise. This is really the only learning point from this book.

Book contains multiple examples of leaders requiring solitude, examples from people in the army. With no time for solitude you are more likely to burnout. If you keep yourself too busy by being in meetings all the time or checking emails too often it is not beneficial. Also too much time on Twitter reduces your productivity.

An example worth reflecting on today with people staying at home due to COVID-19 is the example of Aung San Suu Kyi. She was under house arrest for around 15 years and used the time productively to mediate amongst other things thereby developing her leadership skills.

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