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Relentless Solution Focus: Train Your Mind to Conquer Stress, Pressure, and Underperformance by Jason Selk & Ellen Reed

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Our natural instinct is to be focused on problems not all the good that happens in life. Be aware the majority of things people worry about don’t happen.

To improve we must tackle PCT which is problem centred thought, we are all built to focus on problems.  However expectancy theory dictates that those that we focus on expands. Neuroplasticity suggest the neurons that fire together wire together so controlling our dominant thoughts to be solution focused is key and these thoughts will compound.  Be on the solution side rather than the problem side of the chalkboard.

RSF Relentless solution focus is a method to overcome PCT

Use thought replacement; thinking about solution.  When you have a problem centred thought recognise this and within 60 seconds deliberately change your focus to a solution orientated approach.

The RSF process correlates with optimism.  Think what is the one thing you can do to improve your situation? Even if just a little bit. This is the plus one solution – aim for a step of improvement that can be your focus, not perfection. One step at a time leads to lasting change.

Learnt helplessness is focusing on the whole problem and feeling as if nothing can be done – instead chunk the problem down into one step at a time which means things are manageable.  Only you can take yourself out of the fight- this means don’t give up. Be relentless in your efforts and do what you set out to do.  Doing something is what causes change, not knowledge therefore put knowledge into action!

Know what you want focus on. Who do you want to be 3 to 10 years down the road? Focusing on your top 3 priorities and work on them. 

Perfectionist undermine themselves by focusing on the negative things what they have not done perfectly. Instead focus on what you did well and what do I want to achieve.

Your product goal is your target.  Break your product goal down into process goals; these are what you need to do to achieve the product goal. Plan action steps around your process goals and remember small improvement steps make great lasting change.  It is important to have professional and personal goals.

Practice visualisation. Each day for 30 seconds focus on your vision – where you want to be in 3 to 10 years state. Then for 30 seconds focusing on achieving your two high priority process goals for that particular day. After this internally repeat an identity statement that you have made.  This should be unique to yourself and use language such as I am, not I want to be.  Whilst practising the visualisation also focus on controlling your breathing.

Keep a success log by writing three things down you did well, this can help maintain your focus on doing well.  Have only a few goals so you can really focus on achieving these, more than two is hard to focus on.

Vision + integrity = happiness

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