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Rich Dad’s Before You Quit Your Job: 10 Real-Life Lessons Every Entrepreneur Should Know About Building a Multimillion-Dollar Business by Robert Kiyosaki & Sharon Lechter

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Another one in the Rich Dad Poor Dad series, usual theme about his experiences including being a helicopter pilot in Vietnam and lessons learnt. Aims to help you move from employed to self-employed, to business owner to finally investor.

Sounds obvious but entrepreneurs require different skills to employees including managing people and finances. Entrepreneurs make and own co-operate ladders rather than attempt to climb them.

Relating to sales and life in general aim to fail fast and learn from your experiences.  Don’t be afraid to take calculated risks. Pay for necessary expenses for example don’t save on patent expenses then lose out in long term.

When evaluating a business there are 5 criteria he recommends:


Nice book but not much learning, particularly if you have read his other books. 

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