Short book aimed at women, author has a more general book aimed at both sexes but states this is aimed at women as they tend to have larger retirement issues than men. Learning relevant to both genders.
Save 10% or ideally 20% of your income
Be an investor rather than a borrower
Delay gratification in terms of buying things, do not buy things that you have not considered carefully. A red flag is if a sales person attempts to push you for a sale now, this should be a reason to stop and think do you really need this, instead sleep on the decision before buying.
Says main question to ask is “is that the best you can do?” for all larger purchases. Slightly different tactic than saying it’s not worth that by providing the sales person more of an incentive to help you rather than potentially getting their back up.
Usual information about utilising power of compound interest.
Look to increase your salary or other earnings and save the additional earnings. Ideally develop a hidden saving pot. Talk to your partner about finances & support each other openly. Give to charity.