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Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert

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Author’s reflections about obtaining creativity, one of the things is that you must not see obtaining creativity as your whole job otherwise you will  feel pressure.  Instead take this pressure off and you will be able to enjoy this process creativity will flow.

Outlines that completing anything is better than procrastinating or not even starting due to seeking perfection.

Suggests not going to Art College or University unless you can actually afford it, only to go to University if it leads to a profession, unlike many art degrees.

Mentions about fear and thinking others are judging you.  Particularly if you have a successful book putting pressure on yourself for future works can paralyse some authors. Implies that others are not judging you as they are all too busy wrapped up in their own lives.

In essence this is saying to do what you love which is a success in itself.  Rather than relying on external praise be it fame or publications. Enjoy the process & live the moment!

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