Quite like this book by Wayne Dwyer about errors that you can have in your thought process. Book aims to identify these errors and help rectify them. One of the main ways to change these is to really understand that the society you grew up in has really shaped how you think. In particular helping others is promoted in the Western culture, remember this shouldn’t be at the expense of yourself.
Goes onto suggest we are not as effective as we could be at generating our own happiness, because we’re always concerned with what others may think. Really is suggesting that you should do things, try, not afraid to fail and experiment with new things so that you can thrive as an individual. Mentions that guilt is immobility due to past actions and that anxiety is immobility due to fears about future things, most of these fears don’t occur. This was the first self help book (of many) from the late Wayne Dyer, which is according to Wikipedia is one of the top selling books of all time.