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101 great answers to the toughest interview questions by Ron Fry

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Nice short note book about preparing for job interviews. Prepare, know the company don’t get flustered or stressed, be aware some interview techniques attempt to push you to the edge so be aware of this and stay calm. Several learning points, think about what experience you have that is relevant to the job. Your attitude is being judged, provides a nice example of somebody appearing for the interview and initially complaining about the weather. Before the interview they were swiftly told job has been filled and the company were very sorry for the error in not informing the applicant, the job hadn’t been filled it was apparent the applicant’s attitude was not right. Think of stories for common questions that you may be asked. These would include have you fired anyone, what budget responsibilities have you held and what was your worst job. Be sure not to be critical of others, if you did something less well highlight the learning points this experience provided. If you are going for an interview it would be worth looking at this book to start thinking about the types of questions that you may face.

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