Focus is about giving the right task the right dedication at the right time. The book starts off by outlining how a security guard can spot a shoplifter, using focus they can spot them despite numerous other distractions in the environment. Throughout the book there are further examples of the power of ‘focus’. Seemingly mindfulness has been shown to help increase the ability focus which is a very useful life skill to develop.
Discusses about how focusing on machines too much can be a bad thing. This is particularly true if you grow up in this era and therefore don’t develop people skills. This also risks not being able to hold the ability to focus on tasks that are not immediately interesting.
Challenges your thought process by discussing metacognition. People can think in different ways and you can learn to do this so you can challenge your own and others assumptions. Mentions the concept of top down thinking that we should try to perform rather than down up. Top down is deliberate thinking whereas down up which is automatic.
Significant amounts of cross over from other books, such as mentioning the famous marshmallow experiment. Suggests you can delay gratification by distraction yourself or imaging the object is framed or untouchable. Seemingly there was some science Sesame Street and the way it was meant to have assisted learning.